NEON 5Knights and 1 Mile Fun Run
Join us on 11/04/2025
(race date estimated)NEON 5Knights and 1 Mile Fun Run Race Description
*T-shirts are only guaranteed on race day to those who register by FRIDAY, October 21, 2016. Early Packet Pickup: Wednesday, November 2, from 5:00-7:00p.m. and Thursday, November 3, from 7:30-9:00a.m. outside of elementary school administration building.Race Day On-Site Packet Pickup and Registration will be between 3-5 p.m. at Town Square Park. Awards: Overall male and female; top two male and female finishers in each of the following age groups: 6-and-under, 7-8, 9-10, 11-12, 13-14, 15-18, 19-29, 30-39, 40-49, 50-59, 60-69, 70+. All 5K and 1 Mile Fun Run finishers will receive a finisher medal.Post Event Activities: Party at Town Square Park. The Mississippi Tornados will provide entertainment; burgers, hot dogs, beer, and soft drinks will be on sale as well. The awards ceremonies will immediately follow the 5K run. Questions: please e-mail questions to:

- Location: Hattiesburg, MS 39401
- Race Date: 2016/11/04 06:00:00 PM (Friday)
- 5K Ages 15 and up
- SHS Faculty and Staff
- Pine Belt Pacer Members
- 2 Adult, 2 Child Team
- 2 Adult, 1 Child Team
- Kids 15 and Younger

NEON 5Knights and 1 Mile Fun Run Where & When
NEON 5Knights and 1 Mile Fun Run Reviews
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Last year the weather condition was Overcast.